The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by BannedInUtah

  1. .
    That man, that child. Interesting.
  2. .
    On one hand she babies the kids, on the other she shames them. This bitch has no redeeming qualities whatsoever!
    I usually contain myself for the sake of decency but not today. I hope she dies completely alone, with only her hoard for company. Fat, ugly and alone.
  3. .
    My guess is that her target audience is women just like her but that couldn't trap a rich man. They wish they could leave the kids behind to travel solo every other week but can't afford it. Gold diggers out of luck.
  4. .
    As I press play on The Empire Strikes Back I can't help to notice that Gene, the so called Star Wars stand, hasn't posted anything about May the Forth.
    Fucking poser.

    If you celebrate, may the force be with you, always.
  5. .
    Performing at school is the epitome of showing interest on the performing arts but Gene is so stupid she can't see it.
  6. .
    QUOTE (LateKate @ 4/5/2024, 18:56) 
    That Instagram update is for the bakery :thumbs-up:

    The true IYKYK.
  7. .
    What was that all about? I thought it was a scolding coming.
    We know you're not afraid of men, a certain woman scares the shit out of you, though.
  8. .
    She's having the kids on mother's day so Tens can't. Nothing she does for her children is about them but to spite their real family.
  9. .
    QUOTE (PhotoshoppedlikeJenny @ 29/4/2024, 15:58) 
    Don is trash but the best thing he did was walk away.

    If only he'd done it before having kids with the gold digger. He knew she was selfish as hell and still decided to procreate with her.
  10. .
    Project "create disney forever fans", how about you try project "be a forever involved mother"?
  11. .
    Speaking of which, what happened to the Pandora rings? More money wasted?
  12. .
    You'd think the mother who decorates the home with Lego creations would be the fun parent.
    Maybe she wants the kids to choose to live with SMD so she doesn't seem so callous and receive the Jenions pity. "I didn't treat them like shit their entire lifes, they chose their dad and left me."
  13. .
    QUOTE (UtahFootBath @ 25/4/2024, 15:53) 
    I truly cannot imagine being her. She isn't comfortable around her kids. She has no one else. Her nieces must hate her. The last time she enjoyed a holiday was at least five years ago.

    It's been 8 years. She said it herself, suggesting the last time she enjoyed celebrating holidays was before cc was born. Mother of the year, amirite?
  14. .
    To match the peeing cloth hanging from a grill.
  15. .
    I love that I'll never have to change my user name, it'll forever be relevant.
737 replies since 11/2/2021