The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Land Creature

  1. .
    Reddit. Oh no, how will Beefy deal with this?! Screenshot_20240513-1515032
    FYI I have no idea of true but it's our there for public consumption
  2. .
    Maybe she has the same doc as DT (good ole' Ronnie Jackson) 😂

    QUOTE (Ican’twiththelikesofher @ 13/5/2024, 18:21) 
    She has to know talking about any medical results will be discussed here, right? She’s nuts.

    Then again she might say she got a clean bill of health and she’s in the best shape of her life.
  3. .
    I've seen better looking art work at Ikea

    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 11/5/2024, 14:41) 
    As usual, Jen makes ridiculous purchases from social media influencers in an attempt to buy friends. All they see is a sucker.
  4. .
    Totally appropriate daytime attire.

  5. .
    They could be siblings :snickering:
  6. .
    Do we know the username of the first person who posted the Tinder? Perhaps they contacted Mods with the info first

    QUOTE (Hike Travel Eat Eat Repeat @ 6/5/2024, 22:03) 
    100% Jen leaked Don's Tinder to the Bakery! Just look at her recent sneaky way she exposed the space mission. She is horrible. They are both pitiful brats.
  7. .
    She's too afraid of mainstream medicine.

    QUOTE (A little North Shore birdie @ 4/5/2024, 05:13) 
    Are we beginning a countdown to ‘Crois-sempic’ 🥐💉?
  8. .
    Hey Jen !

    Watch this
  9. .
    Beefy needs to get those eyes checked.

    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 2/5/2024, 19:32) 

  10. .
    Didn't Beefy Gene do a video not so long acknowledging she needed to improve her diet or did I dream that?
  11. .
    The linkwhore can't remember which skincare she's shilling.
    She must think we all have short memories
  12. .
    Those jeans are too small and so tight that they turned her ginormous ass into a flat pancake
  13. .
    Watching her talk grosses me out.
    The dry lips
    Abnormally wide tongue flopping around strangely
    The underbite
    The odd mouth movements

    It's also strange.
  14. .
    They are so lazy !!. Neither can pick up a paint brush and paint that door and trim?.
    Something other than baby poop brown would be nice
  15. .
    She likely thinks that Mothers Day should be a "me day" that does not involve having to take care of her own children.

    QUOTE (JuliaSugarbaker @ 23/4/2024, 20:19) 
    QUOTE (HampTens @ 4/23/2024, 07:31 PM) 
    It looks like the Paris Taylor Swift concerts run over Mother’s Day weekend. Since Jin spends Mother’s Day solo with herself, sadly, I could see her treating herself by taking herself to Paris and the concert. If that is the case, it’s sad on many, many levels. I would really love to know how her mind works. It’s just unbelievable at times.

    How odd that she doesn't get the circumstances for Mother's Day. At least they will spend that day with their REAL mother, not the egg donor.
2810 replies since 21/3/2018