The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Nefarious DisneyPrincess

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    Hey Bakers, I'm travelling with my cager and way behind but I saw this croissant meme and thought of Beefy Gene! I see I have several terrible videos to watch, loving the commentary as always. I read the Bakery last night IN MY AIR BNB BATHTUB. Sorry, not sorry 🤣 It seemed very clean but I know how y'all feel! Travelling makes me feel grubby anyway so it felt good.
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    I whizzed past a Pottery Barn in a mall in Dubai thinking " oh Jen's four desks! 🤣" but didn't have time to look around. My cager was on a mission! I couldn't really explain why I wanted to poke around in a random furniture store.
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    We still don't have Ikea so it always seems interesting and different to me. I guess it's 99% stuff for everyone else. TBH we also don't have the brands Jen likes either. Pottery Barn etc.
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    My daughter mentioned tonight that she's been to 2 Disney Parks now and whilst she enjoyed novelty of the first time she realised she was done with Disney tourism during the 2nd visit. She said it was just expensive for what it is and far too long waiting around for rides etc.
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    The Coach purse was so ugly and so was the diaper bag.
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    She she just seems like a normal first time mom who hasn't had much (if any) first hand experience with babies. I was very much the same. Had no clue, was bumbling around looking at all the stuff you're supposed to need wondering if it was the right thing to get. We don't have baby showers like Americans do and I was the first in my friend group and in my family to have a baby so experience was limited.
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    It's one thing to have a shit of a daughter and be ignorant or somewhat tolerate her awful behavior. But to have that daughter shack up with a complete loser and then reproduce. OMG ☠️. It's probably given her mother a reality check that her unhinged spiraling harpy of a daughter is going to fuck up a child's life so badly and may be so bad at it that she'll have to step in. If her mother is a selfish bitch as well then that's not what she'll want any part of.
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    I think it was all just a part of her faux housewife persona. Some sort of timewasting mental pretend frugality to justify her shopping and "household management". All busywork to justify her role in life which to actual working women who juggle home, work, kids, sport, volunteering and elderly parents is a big fat joke.
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    I'll be with the Spaniards this time next week, enjoying tapas and sangria with my Cager. I'd talk about my packing journey but no one GAF right? I'm going to not take a pillow friend with me! Pray for me.

    I'd like to see Jenbot do 30 days of NOT thinking about herself. No journalling, no stickers, no videos, no social media, no documenting anything at all. Just eat, sleep, read, find real people to talk to who are not part of shopping. Her pea brain wouldn't survive 24 hours.
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    Icky old Don clearly has a type. Feminine girly girl women with childlike faces and big brown eyes, long brown hair and dumb vacuous expressions when they look at him. He likes them to wear pretty dresses and he likes shoes and buying trinkets. Tens is better at manipulating him into a look that flatters him and probably is aiming to keep him healthy. Jenbot is now rejecting all that now she has been rejected. If she had a brain in her head she could've had a real glow-up and might have snagged Daddy Don 2.0 but her ED and poor self worth has won and she's slipping into a fat and frumpy middle age alone.
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    That video was just a bit of fun because it showed the ubiquitous massive entertainment centre and he was making lighthearted fun of each generations style. Nothing more than that. Helps if you don't take things too seriously.
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    Yep she's Gen X. Who rarely get mentioned in these sort of things. She's more boomer or I agree with even pre WW2 in her tastes though. Scavenger Shabby not chic.
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    Today's video from a style commentator called Nick. Taking a swipe at everyone's style including Gen X. Cameo feature of the huge honey oak cabinet
    (RIP) that Sophia loved. Starts at 7 min mark. She's more of a Boomer in general taste though.
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    She probably only did a haul to be able to throw some
    Amazon links in for her own benefit.
  15. .
    Sleep naked. Shower before bed. Problem (and laundry) avoided!

    I know not really an option in a family suite but really if you shower or bathe before bed why would you need more that 1 set of pyjamas for the week?
3414 replies since 30/7/2016