The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return. // Amy portfolio.
I want you to hug me from behind, unexpectedly. I want you to give me your hoodie when I'm cold. I want you to hold me and keep me warm. I want you to cuddle with me and watch movies. I want you to kiss me in the rain. I want you to hold my hands and play with my fingers. I want you to play with my hair. I want you to take amazing photos with me. I want you to lay in my bed with me and just hold me. I want you to tell your friends everyday how much you love me. I want you to watch the sunrise with me. I want you to kiss my nose. I want you to tell me you miss me. I want you to drop everything and hug me tight. I want you to snuggle with me in the movie theaters. I want you to squeeze me as hard as you can when you hug me. I want you to smile ever single time you see me. I just, want you.

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